Hello!  Thank you for visiting Kadayam.com, home of The Sharer blog, authored by me, Sundar Kadayam.   I am on a journey to heal and awaken.  I do healing work.  I teach.  I write and share.  And I am an entrepreneur.

It appears as if I have been on the spiritual journey all my life, but it would be more accurate to say that it began for sure in year 2000. I was thrust into an unlikely path of healing work through the system of Reiki, when my dad was bedridden after a second series of strokes.  And this healing practice has taken me on a spiritual journey of self discovery and awakening.  Hundreds have been positively impacted in the process.  And the more I embrace this gift, the more it keeps giving.  You can see some of my writings on the International House of Reiki Blog.

I have more than 30 years of experience in the software industry, and I’ve been an entrepreneur for about 20 years of it. I have been fortunate to be involved with many successful, award-winning products and industry-firsts.  In 2007, I founded Zakta, to help organizations leverage the collective wisdom of their tribe.  During the Zakta journey, we also created the world’s first collaborative search engine.  Prior to that, I co-founded Intelliseek in 1997 with veteran entrepreneur Mahendra Vora.  Intelliseek was the pioneer in social media monitoring and measurement, and went through an unlikely 10-year journey before being acquired by the Nielsen company and rolled into Nielsen BuzzMetrics.  You can find more about my professional work through Sundar Kadayam’s LinkedIn Profile.

There’s more to life than meets the eye.  There is more to life than the crazy swings between peace and turmoil, love and hate, anger and calm, happiness and sadness.  There is a realm, a deeper realm that exists right in our midst, that is the source of what we’d ordinarily describe as miracles.  A realm of unchanging peace, happiness, and love without their opposites.  And it is your birthright to rise above ordinariness, to be free of suffering, to wake up and experience this, to be awake and be this.  These pages on The Sharer are my offering to you, through my stories and experiences, the tidbits of wisdom to help you in your own journey to heal and wake up.